
A New Landscape for 2014

A new landscape for 2014Welcome to 2014!  2013 was a busy year at John Darby Landscape, Inc., and we want to thank all of you that we had the opportunity and privilege to work with last year.  We are looking forward to another great year in 2014, and wanted to remind you all that landscape projects in our region can generally be done at any time of the year (with some exceptions for polar vortexes and hurricanes, but those are fairly unlikely).  As we move toward the spring and summer season however, our calendar fills up fast, and we sometimes have to delay new projects by several weeks during the busier months.

Besides scheduling, here are some good reasons to tackle your landscape project in winter instead of waiting for warmer weather:

  • You get a jump on the season.  You can be sitting in your lawn chair marveling at your amazing new outdoor living space while your neighbor is still trying to figure out where he left the shovel last fall.
  • Fall and winter plantings establish faster.  Planting in the cooler weather gives plants an opportunity to establish and get prepared for our harshest season – summer.  Whereas summer plantings are “what you see is what you get” until the next growing season, fall and winter plantings have the benefit of an extra spring growth flush.
  • Let nature provide the water for establishment instead of your wallet.  Fall and winter plantings use the natural abundance of seasonal rain water to get settled in and get past the fragile “newly planted” stage.  Summer plantings rely completely on irrigation systems to establish themselves, which means more money out of your pocket every month when the water bill comes in.  Early planting and an efficient irrigation system can cut the watering costs dramatically!
  • Hardscape projects such as paver patios, walkways, and garden walls form the backbone of your landscape.  By getting these main elements in place now, you will be able to focus on more important things once the sun comes back.

Whatever your landscape dreams for the new year, we can make them happen!


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